Book a flight
Flight Booking has Never been so Easy
Flight Star provides you the best service with a hassle-free user experience. Now you can book your own ticket from anywhere around the world! As one of the leading travel agents in the country, Flight Star has always kept a dynamic presence in the market. Their goal is to establish their brand strategy while creating an easy and engaging experience for the users.
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Design process and timeline
Starting with research and user interviews, we followed all the steps necessary to establish a perfect application.
Project Goal
The goal is to reach more people by creating a personalized application with a user-friendly interface.
Research Key Takeaways
Color Palette & Typography
Finding a new place can be difficult, especially when most of the world is under lock down.
Component Library
Flight Star Homepage Design
Flight Booking Experience
You'll have the most comfortable and relaxing ticket booking experience with us.
Listing page anatomy
Listing page design contains a good number of features.
Flight Star all pages
Flight Star website and application pages are designed to be clean and colorful for user convenience.
See how Flight Star works
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