google map features
Google Nearme | Design Case Study


You guys are thinking, “Wait..What!🤔 why this app name is Google Nearme.” This is the reason, while I’ve started create case study I though If in future Google create an app integrating with Google Maps, from where people can connect and get help from the neighbour easily. Tech moving so faster and at the same time it’s creating a distance among us with physically & mentally. Through this app people can get help from their neighbour, get connect easily and share tasks, ride, things etc. Here is the interesting part about this case study.

Instead of writing all the design's problem and explaining in details, I though let’s explain through videos so that you guys can easily understand what exactly I am trying to solve through the design. 

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"Anyway, If any company or anyone really wants to solve this problem or wants to build this an app, let me know. I will share the design and will help you to build this app."

Area of problems tried to solve:

Design Process:

How user can easily onboard so that the user can see all helpful things on his/her homepage?


Onboarding Process

Walkthrough → Interests & Location → Signup

Signup → Login→ Forgot password process

How the homepage will help the user to find the things that he/she needs?


Homepage Design

Homepage → All services list view → Single Page → Details & Book

Homepage & Map:

How user can create post for each service?


Create Post

Homepage → Add button → Select & Create a particular post

How search functionality works?



Home → Search → Search Stages

How Profile functionality works?


Personal Profile

Home → Profile  or  Home → Setting → Profile

Business Profile Public View

Home → Profile  or  Home → Setting → Profile

Business Profile Own View

Home → Profile  or  Home → Setting → Profile

Business & Personal Chat View

Settings and Notification

Home → Settings→ Notifications

Nearme Case Study ✅

It will be great if we integrate this app idea or make an addition app with Google map, people can easily use it. In the same time we can get so many user's data from Google Map which can make this app more usable.

Thanks for your appreciation

The whole case study is just an idea. But If anyone really wants to build this app, let me know. I have almost 60+ screens with all the states.


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